Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hey there
Feels good to see you (????) again.
Just a few hours ago I had been reading and feeling a very beautiful poetry written by John Keats called the ' Ode to the Nightingale' and the feeling 'his' words arose in me cannot be expressed in mere mortal words of mine. What I am writing might seem to be an exaggeration of my respect for the man and his word-painting but this is the least of what I can say about him.
Just once when I tried to guess what it would be like to be in his position, I got meloncholic and a feeling of escapism arose in me. The way he has selected his words to answer his conscience and his heart is brilliant and touching.

Isn't poetry just a means of escaping the reality ??? May be not. May b, its only a means to represent the reality, a reality representing the perspective of the poet.
The poetry is an echo of the voice deep inside him. The mood of this voice is always vague and the harmony of its poesy can take you to an all different world. In here, you can plunge into the ocean of thoughts and words 'cause this world is yours and yours only. Its a state that a drunken man always wants to achieve, a state for which a drug-addict always pleads. This is a state of trance.........

'My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains'

The world of poetic fantasy is unimaginably fascinating, breath-taking and beautiful. Even the poetic form of 'melancholy' looks so serene and awesome that you can easily get lost in its fall and not return before the tong of the reality bell shakes you up to yourself.

Probably I am getting lost in my nascent world of virtual reality.

Gotta get bak!!!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hello there

Its the 18th of feb today just four days after the valentine's day and the essence of love can still be felt in the air . Well the Valentine's day just gives me one more reason to celebrate my life. I've often thought about the beauty and the serenity of 'Life' and ,to be considered , it is the best gift one can ever get. Yes, its true that there are a lot of problems and times of adversity which we need to face ( its more of a compulsion ). But to think , had there been no problems, we would never have understood the beauty of happiness.

Sometimes we wish we could go back to the happy times or change what we had done in the past so that the time now could have been better or happier but do you think it is going to make any difference. I don't think so . There will certainly be a change in the present situation but ,to think, we can never escape that feeling of being lost or being surrounded by problems if our attitude towards life doesn't change. 'Positive attitude towards Life' is what we need to have in order to make our lives happier and much more 'lively'.

We need to celebrate each and every moment of our life 'cause it instantly turns into a past , the past which we wanted to change (to make our present better). So why not just enjoy the present and make it the best time we've ever had so that we never have to repent later for what we had done. Let it all be the happiness we remember, let it all be the love, the celebration, the Life. Let it be the tears of the fun n not sorrow.

So just have a lot of fun and be greatful that we have been lucky enough to have had that. Why waste our time crying for losing it.

Its a very short time we have got here friends and we've got a lot to see, to feel, to understand and to learn. Just live and love for what is going to come will always have a touch of beauty in it.