Saturday, May 10, 2008


thanking for the pic

Since the beginning of history, there has been one very unavoidable constant called ...... 'CHANGE'. The human race named this phenomenon as 'EVOLUTION' in biological terms.
Evolution was, is and forever will be an ever continuing process. It is the root of every civilisation, the power behind every revolution and the cause behind every end.
Living beings were affected the most by this change and specially.......'HUMANS'.
'HUMANS EVOLVED' over time and so did their surroundings and their 'MINDS'. They started thinking about the various aspects of their life. They started observing, listening, learning and most improtantly, feeling.
Well, without considering the other aspects of this change , let us just concentrate on the marvellous human mind - a very small but highly complex system in its own, which loves to think. Think and imagine about the past , present, future, goals, ideals, innovations as well as emotions of love, hatred, harmony, pain and glory.
Mind when not allowed to speak its thoughts to others, goes crazy. It turns into a highly pressurised gas chamber waiting to blast open which i don't want to happen with me. Therefore here i m going to write a set of articles which will speak about my thoughts and relieve my of my tension. INTERESTED IN READING ????? GO ON!!!!

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